Hidden Dangers: Cryptocurrency and Divorce

Hidden Dangers: Cryptocurrency and Divorce
Divorce is an intricate process, made even more complex by the advent of cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). A recent case in Oklahoma brings to light the challenges posed by the inherently undiscoverable nature of digital assets within a pro...
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Navigating Co-Parenting in Divorce with Emotional Intelligence: A Guide for Parents
Divorce is undoubtedly one of the most challenging life experiences, especially when children are involved. As a law firm specializing in family law, we understand the emotional complexities that come with divorce and the significant impact it can have on...
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Resolve to Successfully Co-Parent in the Coming Year!
Embarking on the co-parenting journey often seems like a breeze when depicted on television or movies. Initially, it all appears harmonious, a well-choreographed dance between ex-partners. Yet, as the storyline unfolds, the complexities emerge, revealing the emotional intricacies of working...
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Navigating the Perils of Toxic Achievement Culture: Insights for Parents
The causes of stress on marriages should be important considerations for any family law attorney attempting to counsel individuals through the early stages of divorce and custody issues. As we counsel parties who may hold out hope for reconciliation, it’s...
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Unveiling the Silent Struggle: The Surprising Link Between Parent and Teen Mental Health
In the landscape of mental health discussions, the spotlight has long been focused on the challenges faced by teenagers. However, recent research led by family psychologist Richard Weissbourd at Harvard's Graduate School of Education has brought a compelling revelation to...
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The Smith Firm Recognized in 2024 Best Law Firms
The Smith Firm is proud to be recognized by Best Lawyers' 2024 Best Law Firm ranking. The Smith Firm's Oklahoma City family law practice has been recognized as a Metropolitan Tier 3 Best Law Firm. ABOUT BEST LAW FIRMS® Debuted...
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12 Signs Your Spouse May be Having an Affair
Oklahoma is a no-fault state, and an affair may not carry the weight in a courtroom that many expect, but it's still incredibly relevant to your divorce if you suspect your spouse is having an affair. First it may motivate...
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Chris Smith’s Included on Super Lawyers List
The Smith Firm is thrilled to announce that Managing Attorney Chris Smith has been recognized as one of the top family lawyers in Oklahoma by Super Lawyers. This prestigious accolade is a testament to Mr. Smith's exceptional legal expertise, dedication,...
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Is Divorce Contagious?
Yes, maybe. The idea that divorce is contagious is based on social network studies that suggest people are influenced by the behaviors and attitudes of their friends and family members. Research has shown that if someone in your social network...
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Navigating Selfishness in Marriage: Warding Off Divorce
In the intricate tapestry of marriage, couples often encounter challenges that test the strength of their bond, even leading to divorce. One such hurdle is dealing with a selfish spouse. It’s important to remember that selfishness, although frustrating, is a...
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