Oklahoma law provides that if a party to a court order does not comply with the court order, they may be held in contempt of court. The law that provides for contempt citations in Oklahoma is Title 21 of the...
Divorce and family law cases involving children may, at times, result in one party seeking emergency custody of the children. In many counties in Oklahoma judges disfavor emergency motions, therefore it’s important to know when and when not to request...
In Oklahoma, the fate of frozen embryos in a divorce is generally governed by the intentions and agreements of the parties involved. The state does not have specific legislation addressing this issue, so courts rely on contractual agreements or the...
Is it possible to suffer PTSD as a result of a divorce? Maybe. There’s no question we have represented clients who have suffered emotionally as a result of their divorce case, and some have gone on to receive a PTSD...
Going through a divorce can be one of the most emotionally challenging and overwhelming experiences in life. During this time, it's crucial to prioritize self-care to nurture your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By embracing these ten essential self-care principles,...
Most divorcing couples’ largest asset is their home. It may possess the bulk of their marital equity, but it may also carry significant sentimental value and create a stable environment for children. Deciding what to do with the house after...
The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale (The Stress Test) was published in 1967, and since that time divorce is only trumped by the death of a spouse on the level of stress experienced. And yes, it’s true that Divorce scores...
It’s become so common to hear the word “narcissist” used by clients in our office that we’ve taken a deep dive into the topic and decided to address the issue for anyone considering whether their spouse is a narcissist or...
It is not uncommon to have a parent going through a divorce or custody case to raise the issue of their observance of regressive behaviors in their children. They often point to behavioral changes, such as bedwetting when they have...
Oklahoma law provides that in a divorce or custody proceeding, a victim of domestic violence is entitled to their reasonable attorney fees being paid by the party guilty of the abuse. 43 O.S. § 112.6 is the law, and it’s...