Unveiling the Silent Struggle: The Surprising Link Between Parent and Teen Mental Health

Unveiling the Silent Struggle: The Surprising Link Between Parent and Teen Mental Health

Unveiling the Silent Struggle: The Surprising Link Between Parent and Teen Mental Health

In the landscape of mental health discussions, the spotlight has long been focused on the challenges faced by teenagers. However, recent research led by family psychologist Richard Weissbourd at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education has brought a compelling revelation to the forefront: parents are grappling with anxiety and depression at rates comparable to their teenage counterparts. This paradigm-shifting insight urges us to reevaluate the narrative surrounding mental health and recognize the interconnected nature of familial well-being.

The Shared Burden

Weissbourd’s study, conducted by Making Caring Common, conducted surveys with both teens and parents in late 2022. The findings unveiled a striking parallel between the mental health of teens and their parents. While 18 percent of teens reported anxiety, 20 percent of mothers and 15 percent of fathers acknowledged similar struggles. The numbers for depression were similarly aligned, with 15 percent of teens, 16 percent of mothers, and 10 percent of fathers reporting the condition.

Challenging the Isolation Myth

The prevailing narrative often isolates teens from their family dynamics when discussing mental health. Weissbourd challenges this approach, emphasizing that understanding what’s happening in teens’ families is essential to comprehending the full scope of the issue. By acknowledging the shared stressors, including polarizing public dialogue, school shootings, climate change, social media, and loneliness, we gain a more nuanced understanding of the challenges families face.

The Ripple Effect

The study points to a mutual influence between parental and teen mental health. Anxiety and depression in one party can exacerbate similar conditions in the other, hindering emotional availability and communication within the family. This symbiotic relationship underscores the need for a holistic approach to mental health within households.

Taking Proactive Measures

In light of these findings, Weissbourd proposes several proactive measures to mitigate the impact of anxiety and depression on parents and teenagers:

  1. Active Listening: Teens expressed a desire for parents to ask more questions about their lives and genuinely listen to their responses. This active listening fosters stronger parent-teen relationships and encourages open communication.
  2. Parental Guidance: Education on mental health disorders is crucial for parents to effectively support their teenagers. Weissbourd recommends providing guidance on managing parental anxiety during a teen’s struggle.
  3. Care for Caregivers: Acknowledging that parents need mental healthcare, the study recommends promoting mental health support through health centers, workplaces, and community institutions to benefit the entire family.
  4. Open Communication: Parents are encouraged to talk openly about their mental health with their teenagers, fostering an environment of honesty and understanding.
  5. Cultivating Meaning: Recognizing that a lack of purpose correlates with anxiety and depression in teens, parents can play a pivotal role in guiding their children toward meaningful relationships, activities, and communities.


Weissbourd’s groundbreaking research challenges us to expand our understanding of mental health by recognizing the intricate dance between parental and teen well-being. By adopting proactive measures and fostering open communication, families can work together to create a healthier and more supportive environment for everyone. It’s time to break the silence surrounding parental mental health and embark on a journey toward holistic well-being within our households.

About The Smith Firm

A full-service family law practice located in Northwest Oklahoma City, The Smith Firm provides services in the areas of divorce, custody and parenting time, child support, spousal support, property and debt division, paternity disputes, adoptions and appeals. For more information, visit www.thesmithfirm.net.