Defending a False Allegation of Abuse In Divorce or Custody Cases
Oklahoma law provides that in a divorce or custody proceeding, a victim of domestic violence is entitled to their reasonable attorney fees being paid by the party guilty of the abuse. 43 O.S. § 112.6 is the law, and it’s...
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What Do We Do About the Dog?
I’ve had more than one client utter a version of the statement, “She can have the kids, but she can’t have my dog.” The attachment to our pets doesn’t just go away after the divorce decree is entered, and it’s...
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Your Stress is Hurting Your Children
“Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” – Oscar Wilde Divorce is often cited as one of the most stressful events an individual will ever experience. A parent experiencing a...
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Parental Equality in Custody Cases Advances in OK House
As I have previously posted, Oklahoma House Bill 1151 is making its way through the Oklahoma legislature, and this week it received a unanimous vote in favor in the Oklahoma House Judiciary Committee. This moves the legislation to the floor...
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What If It Doesn’t Work Out?
“Marital restoration is worth the risk of failure.” As a child who grew up in a conservative Christian home and later attended a conservative Christian university, divorce was taboo. Divorce was not an option for married couples without establishing adultery...
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